White Belt: Off-Body Retrieval


Off-Body Retrieval is the first step in the progression towards holster work.  Begin building safe, consistent, and effective habits for retreival from a flat surface.  Please read the class objectives, prerequisites, and gear requirements below.


Your choice of 9mm rental handgun (Default will be Glock 17 or 19) & a Box of 9mm Ammo
** Add-on will be applied to each class slot selected **

This product can only be purchased by members.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


Class Objective: Develop safe, consistent, and effective habits for retrieving the gun from an off-body location (nightstand, table, desk, etc.). Begin to discuss how gun retrieval builds into holster proficiency.

*If you use a portable safe at home (Vaultek, StopBox, etc.) feel free to bring it with you to get practical practice with your equipment.

Number of Students: 8


Prerequisites: White Belt introduction class completed


Required Gear:

  • Semi-automatic pistol
  • 2+ magazines
  • 50 rounds of ammunition
  • Clear wrap-around ballistic eye protection
  • Hearing protection (electronic recommended)


Attendance Policy: Due to the high demand for slots in these classes, please let the Training Department know via email at training@therangeaustin.com as early as possible if you are unable to attend class to allow other Dojo Members the opportunity to join.

Additional information


10/10 10:30 AM, 10/21 10:30 AM, 10/30 07:30 PM, 11/07 09:00 AM, 11/11 12:00 PM, 11/21 09:00 AM