8301 S IH 35 Frontage Rd, Austin, TX 78744


Event Type White Belt

Current Month


03mar10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

03mar12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

05mar6:00 pm7:00 pmWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

05mar7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting

06mar9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

06mar10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Test Preparation

10mar9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

10mar10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

10mar12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

12mar7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

13mar9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

13mar10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Test Preparation

17mar10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

17mar12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting

19mar6:00 pm7:00 pmWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

19mar7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

20mar9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

20mar10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

24mar9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

24mar10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

24mar12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting

26mar7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

27mar9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

27mar10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

31mar10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

31mar12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting


02apr7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Test Preparation

03apr9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

03apr10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

07apr9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

07apr10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

07apr12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

09apr7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting

10apr9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

10apr10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Test Preparation

14apr10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

14apr12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

16apr6:00 pm7:00 pmWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

16apr7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

17apr9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

17apr10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting

21apr9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

21apr10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

21apr12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Test Preparation

23apr7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

24apr9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

24apr10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

26apr6:00 pm7:00 pmWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

28apr10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

28apr12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting


30apr6:00 pm7:00 pmWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

30apr7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

01may9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Test Preparation

01may10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

05may9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

07may7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

08may9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting

08may10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

12may10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Test Preparation

12may12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

14may6:00 pm7:00 pmWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

14may7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

15may9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

15may10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

19may9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

19may10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting

19may12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

21may7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Test Preparation

22may9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

22may10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

26may10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

26may12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

28may6:00 pm7:00 pmWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

28may7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting

29may9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

29may10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Test Preparation


02jun9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

02jun10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

02jun12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

04jun7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

05jun9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

05jun10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting

09jun10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

09jun12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Test Preparation

11jun6:00 pm7:00 pmWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

11jun7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

12jun9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

12jun10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

16jun9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

16jun10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

16jun12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting

18jun7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

19jun9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Test Preparation

19jun10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions

23jun10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

23jun12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

25jun6:00 pm7:00 pmWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

25jun7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets

26jun9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: One-Handed Shooting

26jun10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Off-Body Retrieval

30jun9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt Introduction: Safety and Shooting Foundations

30jun10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Test Preparation

30jun12:00 pm1:00 pmWhite Belt: Reloads & Malfunctions


02jul7:30 pm8:30 pmWhite Belt: Balancing Speed and Accuracy

03jul9:00 am10:00 amWhite Belt: Moving & Shooting

03jul10:30 am11:30 amWhite Belt: Assessing Multiple Targets